Introduction to Data Representation
Arithmetic Logic Unit
- everything else in the computer is there to serviice this unit
- Handles Integers.
- Does the calculations.
- may handle floaing point numbers.
Data Types
- epresented in binary-coded form
- only have 0&1 to represent everything
- can be classified to these categories:
- Numbers used in arithmetic computation
- Letters of the alphabet used in data processing
- Other discrete symbols used for specific purpose
Alphanumeric Representation
An alphanumeric character set is a set of elements that includes the 10 decimal digits, the 26 letters of the alphabet and a number of special character such as $, +, and =.
1. The standard alphanumeric binary code : ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
- uses seven bits to code 128 characters.
- codes must be in binary because registers can only hold binary information.
2. Another alphanumeric code used in IBM equipment, EBCDIC (Extended BCD Interchange Code) that used 8 bits for each character.
- BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) represents each individual digit of a decimal number as a group of binary bits; the other formats would convert an entire decimal value to its equivalent binary value. *In the 8421 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) representation each decimal digit is converted to its 4-bit pure binary equivalent.